How to Reduce Auger Teeth Wear and Tear
When to comes to the maintenance your auger teeth, one of the critical things that you need to consider is the rate of wear and tear. Wear down of teeth is one of the major causes of reduced performance and lifespan of the machine. Unfortunately, wear and tear of the machine is something that you cannot avoid no matter smart you work. However, there are ways that you can work on reducing the rate of wear and tear to ensure that you have maintained the performance of the machine. Here are some of the best ways that you can reduce wear and tear of you auger teeth.
Check Soil Condition
One of the most important things that you need to consider is the condition of the soil. Among all the factors that increase the rate of wear and tear is the type of teeth that you are drilling. If you are drilling extremely abrasive condition, then the rate of wear on your auger teeth will be increased significantly. However, this form of wear and tear can be prevented by checking the kind of condition that you are working in. Every auger teeth are designed to excel in certain conditions, and that’s why you need to consider this factor while drilling. Therefore, make sure the condition that you are working in fits the type of teeth you have on the drilling machine.
Buy the Right Teeth
It could be easier to invest in the right teeth from the start. If you have an idea of the kind of condition that you will be working on, then it is wise that you invest in the best quality teeth that can handle such conditions. The most important thing that you need to consider is the quality of the material that has been used for the construction of the teeth. Make sure that you have the toughest metal for the teeth shank that can handle the most difficult conditions. The highest grade of tungsten carbide is recommended for teeth tip. That is another way that you can reduce on auger teeth.
Teeth Versatility
Although various types of teeth are designed for various conditions, there are some that are designed for extreme versatility. These are the kind of teeth that can be used for a wide range of conditions and still deliver excellent results with minimal wear. Although they could be a little bit expensive compared to the typical teeth, they can withstand extreme conditions. For details about high wear-resistant auger teeth, please click here.